I think one of the greatest uses of the internet is to help spread information quickly. There is a missing girl named Shae Maddox. She may be in the Salt Lake City area. Please click on this link ( http://helpmefindshae.blogspot.com/ ) to help find her. I will post the flyer on my office window, pass them out to students of Happiness 101 and hand them out to fellow business owners. I think handing them out to cab drivers and pizza delivery people would be ideal. There is also a Facebook Group dedicated. Join us and help us spread the word.
Frank, I cannot thank you enough for joining the group, and for using this forum to get the word out about Shae. Thank you, so very much.
As of December 1st, Shae was found – SAFE!! Thank you for all your help in spreading the word.
We are so glad to he3ar Shae was found and safe.