‘Just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the struggles of the clients and professionals at Valley Mental Health. Last week they announced that they will be laying off over 100 employees and closing some of its programs. The staff at VMH work very, very hard to make a difference in the lives of those entrusted into their care. The work can be very challenging and the pay is poor but these dedicated professionals do it because they care. Now over 100 of my professional breathren will join the ranks of the unemployed. As I write this, I send my sincerest good wishes and hope that this transition will lead them to a new, and even brighter future.
To the clients of VMH: I hope you will continue to reach out for the hand they offer. It may not look the way it has in the past, but the helping hand is still there. As Valley goes through this transition, it might be tempting to stay home, to isolate. You know where that road goes. Reach out to your peers, family and friends ESPECIALLY if you do not feel like it. Please remember the great lesson of Viktor Frankl: you can always, always, always CHOOSE your own attitude. If you are in crisis call 9-1-1, Valley’s crisis line (801-261-1442, the national suicide hotline 800-SUICIDE (or 800-784-2433) or 800-273-TALK (or 800-273-8255). You may also find the support groups section of this website helpful.