Positive #1: Smiling dog. Every time I look at this little dog, I smile. Why? Because it looks like he is smiling at me! He is so cute and always enthusiastic (aka: Happy!). A happy dog makes for a great companion in good times and in times of struggle.
Positive #2: Google photo sharing. I am very impressed with this feature in Google that automatically saves pictures taken on my phone to the cloud. I took the above picture and then thought about getting the wires to hook it to my computer. Then I remembered this feature, went to the site and there they were. Incredible.
Positive #3: Ingress’ in game ability to communicate. There’s a really cleaver feature within the Ingress game that allows me to communicate with anyone playing the game at whatever level I choose (5k, 10k, 20k, etc. etc up to GLOBALLY). It also allows me to talk privately to my team, allowing us to coordinate game play. Case-in-point – looks like a team mate needs help in Lehi. I’m off!