I have SO much fun doing the Happiness Socials. We had 14 there last night. It is so great watching people go from total strangers to exchanging E-mails, phone numbers and making plans to get together again. Each Social is different. Last night I started by having everyone introduce themselves by first name then talk a little about things they are hopeful about. Then I had them write down 3-4 people they admire, then characteristics about those people they admire. We did a little brainstorming to make sure everyone had an ample list of characteristics and strengths that they admire. I then in kind of a speed dating kind of format (it was in no way dating, but gives you a frame of reference) I had each of them spend a minute and a half talking about how they embody that characteristic. Then, “SWITCH!” and they went to a different person and talked about a DIFFERENT strength they posses. So, by the time it was over, they had spoken to a dozen people and talked about a dozen of their own strengths. By the time it was over, they felt more accepting and happy with themselves and connect with others. A truly great time.
Frank Clayton, the Happy Therapist
Are you affiliated with NAMI? I would be interested I’m checkin’ you guys out.
I’ve been at Valley Mental for years now and see that your messages are on the brighter side. Please contact me.
Thanks, Kathy
Are you affiliated with NAMI? I would be interested I’m checkin’ you guys out.