Done driving long distances, getting exercise, and happily keeping busy!
Positive 1 Think my utah county driving is done for the week Positive 2 got home in the nick of … More Done driving long distances, getting exercise, and happily keeping busy!
Positive 1 Think my utah county driving is done for the week Positive 2 got home in the nick of … More Done driving long distances, getting exercise, and happily keeping busy!
Positive 1 What a week, what a week, I need/want a weekend. Yea! It is almost here. Positive 2 Ha, … More 1/16/15 – Busy Week, Ipads, and Fast Food
I really enjoy our standing appointment to get together every week. I greatly appreciate Mirinda‘s willingness to drive M over … More Positive #2: Time with my God daughter and her mom.
Most of the sprinklers work! With last week’s rainstorm, I was able to put off testing the sprinklers for another … More Positive #2