Relaxing, watching old movies, & making spaghetti sauce!
Positive 1 Chose to lay low today watching old movies Positive 2 These old shows classic were so fantastic . … More Relaxing, watching old movies, & making spaghetti sauce!
Positive 1 Chose to lay low today watching old movies Positive 2 These old shows classic were so fantastic . … More Relaxing, watching old movies, & making spaghetti sauce!
Positive 1 The dogs let me sleep ! So nice to have 10 hours sleep Positive 2 Chicken soup on … More 1/10/16
Positive 1 I have an old tv, vcr and electronics so it took me forever to figure out how I … More 4/13/15- Electronics, Organization, and Cognitive Skills
Television is an amazing invention that allows information to be dispersed to (nearly) the entire population at once. This allows … More Positive #1: TV.
It would be hypocritical for me to tease you about this article, so, I do not watch the news because 1) it focuses primarily on the negative 2) I don’t like being teased 3) studies have shown that the news contributes to depression and 4) there is nothing I can DO with most of the news I hear about. ~Frank