Positive #5: No riots at home
Sometimes we take things for granted until we see someone else that’s got it worse. My mom used to say … More Positive #5: No riots at home
Sometimes we take things for granted until we see someone else that’s got it worse. My mom used to say … More Positive #5: No riots at home
One person has the ability to make a huge difference. You already made a difference – is it a positive one?
The Happy Therapist is a closet pessimist! Can this be?
Sleep deprivation can definitely impede on your Happiness. In his book The Promise of Sleep (Dell, 2000), professor William Dement … More Sleep Your Way To Happiness
I complained so here I make my apology by giving ten positives (one of them became quite a surprise).
Think you can’t be happier at work? YES, you can. Join us for Happiness 101 to learn how FREE.
The average person complains 70 times per day. I’m changing my complaints with positive affirmations. Plus trying to laugh more. It releases “happy chemicals” into the body.