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To be perfectly honest, I was so excited about my exchange with Jane McGonigal, I had trouble focusing in the next workshop (which I was running late for since I had been stalking Jane). Too bad too because the talk focused on self-efficacy. This is not a measurement of how well you can do something, but a measurement of how well you THINK you will do something. Obviously if you do not think you are capable of climbing from the hole of depression, then that will effect how hard you try (if you try at all). The presenter was heralded as an expert with so many accolades, the person introducing him had to skip that or there would have been no time for the presentation itself. He was well-polished with Powerpoint slides popping about every minute. However, there was virtually no interaction with the audience – not even at the end. The information itself was well-researched and thorough – TOO thorough. I am a pretty smart guy but this stuff was even over my head. I am grateful that I will have the opportunity to later go over the slides again and hopefully be able to better absorb it. One thing is clear: our self-efficacy is a very important piece of motivation, especially when it comes to happiness. One thing I did get out of the talk is that self-efficacy can be measured and improved upon. Continue reading Report from IPPA Conference, Day 3.5